
Write to us

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Galeria Invest Ltd.
Customer Service Office: 5600 Békéscsaba, 3 Őszi Street
Building materials trading, registered place of business: 5600 Békéscsaba, 3 Őszi Street
Tax Registration No.: 13089393-2-04
Trade Registry Number: 04-09-005991

Main office: +36-66-450-555
Finance: +36-66-333-447
Concrete element production: +36-70-632-32-48
Building materials trading: +36-30-983-08-30
Job application: +36-70-632-32-48

Head office: [email protected]
Finance: [email protected]
Concrete element: [email protected]
Building materials trading: [email protected]

Our office

Széchenyi Terv Plusz infoblokk